In this post i will be exploring how intertextuality is used in the media everyday and we don't notice it. As well as this, it means when one media thing references something in a different way, for example if a TV show referenced another show.
![Image result for intertextuality in magazines](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRPAD8ZF4HQ2g198HGko3JSzMteX5JoOZGMZHbcqNFE90ZavFni:https://secure.i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00660/news-graphics-2008-_660638a.jpg)
This shows intertextuality in this magazine because it has a fashion magazine and it references Lebron James ( a basket ball player ). This is because Lebron is not a part of fashion, although he could be modelling a basketball kit or be there to show advertisement across a wide audience. Some audiences may not like that Lebron is advertising in a non sporty magazine. However some other audiences may think it is good that he is showing his kit off in a magazine, in order to influence a wider audience into liking basketball. In conclusion the magazine uses intertextuality to influence a wider audience into sports.
This shows David Beckham on the front of what looks like maybe a sports fashion magazine. this is shown by what he is wearing and his posture. It shows intertextuality because David is most known for football and charity, yet he is doing this, it could be to promote what he does and to make references to it to raise awareness. This again goes to a wide audience as almost everyone knows David Beckham, which is good for the magazine as it will make lots of money if they keep doing this.
![Image result for intertextuality in magazines sport](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQXFf4mJ80l5SjxNdvDCCZRsOlFOC-Npy8Ic1uR472BHwCLyXwI:https://media.edusites.co.uk/media/images/spectre-495w.jpg)
This shows Daniel Craig as James Bond and the set side of things. Which shows Intertextuality because it is a movie which also takes notice of the behind the scenes look. It also shows it as it gives a real life and a fiction approach to movies on a magazine which is not usually seen. Normally a magazine would have a picture from the trailer on the front, yet this is different. This would appeal to people who love movies but also like to see how they are made. This is for a target audience which could be bought by lots of people.
In conclusion i think i will use Intertextuality in my brief because i think i could draw in a wide audience and it would be good to see that the writer and the reader can see a reference to something and understand it. As well as this, i believe that it would influence a wider audience who understands.
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