Tuesday, 30 April 2019

NEA part 8 -- CASTING

Tuesday 30th April 2019

The purpose of this task is so that i can to identify the actors/models that i'm going to use in my products. This will help me decide who i should put in the real pictures.

Actor's Name:
Kiran Dosanjh
Ryan Birch

Why they are suitable

Kiran is suitable for this as he is my brother and will most likely go along with what i'm saying. This makes it easier for me to take pictures of him as we live together so i can do it at any time. My Brother also has had football experience as he has played for a team for 5 years give or take. Furthermore he will most likely want to do it as he has nothing better to do than homework, and he doesn't like homework.

He is not suitable however as he doesn't like to do things for over 10 minutes as he gets bored so it could be hard getting his to pose. 

Ryan is suitable for the job as he also has lots of football experience. He also loves to be in the spotlight most of the time so he would probably say yes. As he is one of my good friends he should help me do different camera angles. He is 5ft so it will be easy to fit him onto the screen on the front cover.

However  he might not be suitable as we would have to arrange a time to do it and it might not fit in with my schedule.

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