Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Statement of Intent


I chose Brief 1

MY magazine is aimed at White and mixed race males from the ages of 10 - 13. It is about football and how to improve. This is for the mass audience which has a passion for football. This will also be for people who love to learn new things about the game and really have a love for sport. My title is Decent Footy. I chose this because the word DECENT means not perfect and this is aimed at people who want to get better and enjoy football. Additionally, this is for the people who watch main team football and lower league football, for example: The Premier League and League 2. Furthermore this Magazine will help you uncover the meaning of why players do what they do. It will help you pull of the skill moves and help you get better at the game. I have used an interview in my article to show a step by step educational point of view of the game. The younger generation can now connect more with the players as everyone deserves a chance. A range of camera shots will be used, for example: i will use shots looking up to show the superiority of the players to reflect how they feel.

My main front cover image will be an empty Wembley stadium so that it shows the red of Wembley. I will do this as it connotes passion and the passion for the game of all the young players. It will be empty so that it shows how young players feel - alone as they will be struggling to make it big. The main article image will show a character who is kicking up a ball and a small smile on his face which would show confidence. It will show a well skilled player enjoying football. 

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

my article coverlines and price

Tuesday 7th may 2019
CoverLines, my Article and extras

1 A pro’s guide by – Eric Finny on football
2 Next season’s: Who will win - predictions
3 Next season’s: Who will  be first to sit at the table – press conference
4 Next to play at Wembley?

A week after the final kick of the ball in the 18/19 season, we sent John to ask one of football greatest, some questions. Of course we went to Eric Finny. First a question asked by almost every young boy: How do I become a pro football player?
“I honestly don’t know what to say. It’s probably the same as every other footballer will say, you will have to work extremely hard as everyone else is competing to be the best. It will take years but it can pay off!”
John then went on to ask the OBVIOUS follow up question of: What do I do first and why?
1. I would personally advise you to try to get into an in school and out of school football team, this help you and gives you more chance of being noticed by a scout. 2.You may not always know how to spot a scout so always play your best. After maybe a couple of years of this then you might get noticed, but remember, ALWAYS play your best.”
John also asked for himself and some of you reading this: How do you always pull of them fancy skill moves? It blows everyone away.
“Well, other than training twice a day 5 times a week, Step 1: you have to make sure that you are fully awake and focused because you never know what one of these moves can help you out. Step 2: Secondly, be sure to keep your eye open for any chances or any space you can use to show off your skills. Step 3: The only thing left to do now is to be confident, because when you think you can do anything, you CAN do anything.”
AS always, thank you Eric for coming and we hope you have an amazing week
“Thanks and Goodbye!”
Price: £3.50
Strapline: The best Footy Magazine in the UK.  Font: Lucida sans
Title of magazine Decent Footy. Font: Impact

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

NEA part 9 -- Schedule

Tuesday 30th April 2019
My Schedule 
The purpose of this task is for me to identify potential production dates and try to stick to them.



PT 3 - article
PT 4 - cover lines
PT2 - creating logos
PT1-Hopefully taking pictures
upload pictures to the blog
AND finishing of article if needed.
PPT 4 if able.
PT1-Hopefully taking pictures
PPT 1 and 2


PPT 1 and 2
PPT 5 and 6

PPT 7 and 8

8 9 DT 1 and 2 10 11 12 13 14


It is important to create a schedule because you then are organised and don't have to worry about time and when you will do something. I am most likely going to struggle with manipulating photos, layout of front page and the article. I will learn how to use photoshop.

NEA part 8 -- CASTING

Tuesday 30th April 2019

The purpose of this task is so that i can to identify the actors/models that i'm going to use in my products. This will help me decide who i should put in the real pictures.

Actor's Name:
Kiran Dosanjh
Ryan Birch

Why they are suitable

Kiran is suitable for this as he is my brother and will most likely go along with what i'm saying. This makes it easier for me to take pictures of him as we live together so i can do it at any time. My Brother also has had football experience as he has played for a team for 5 years give or take. Furthermore he will most likely want to do it as he has nothing better to do than homework, and he doesn't like homework.

He is not suitable however as he doesn't like to do things for over 10 minutes as he gets bored so it could be hard getting his to pose. 

Ryan is suitable for the job as he also has lots of football experience. He also loves to be in the spotlight most of the time so he would probably say yes. As he is one of my good friends he should help me do different camera angles. He is 5ft so it will be easy to fit him onto the screen on the front cover.

However  he might not be suitable as we would have to arrange a time to do it and it might not fit in with my schedule.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

NEA part 7 -- Location Information

Tuesday 23rd April 2019

In this task i will be using location to help create and asses the locations i'm going to use for my brief and photography. This will help me create the images for my media product and the main images on my magazines.

Harris Academy Chafford Hundred ---- The field

Address: Mayflower Rd, London, Chafford Hundred, Grays RM16 6SA

This location is very suitable for this Magazine as there is a football pitch and my magazine is about football.


The Gate to the field can often be closed so i won't be able to get in

Another risk is if there are too many people there so i won't be able to take clean pictures

Image result for harris academy chafford hundred

Location 2 -- Pride Park


This is a suitable location as it gives me a good picture of a real size football stadium and will be great for the background of the magazine.

weather has to be good
people can't get in the way of the camera
The location is quite far away so i'd need a lot of time.

I know that i will have to travel far in order to get the bigger pictures but it would be worth it when I get the image. As well as this i need to be able to organise it with my family so that we can go to derby. I have learnt that i will have to be more independent within my tasks.

NEA part 6 Product style profile

Tuesday 23rd April 2019
Product profile

In this  page i will be sketching what my magazine will look like in order to help me create a final product.
This will give me ideas for background and colour theme of my magazine.

1) The first draft was probably my best one as most people liked it so i will most likely try to use as much of that design as possible. I was told by some people that it looked blank in some places so in the future i know to fill those gaps with colour, writing,etc.

2) People said that my second draft was empty at the bottom and should have included more towards the end. But now i know in future to include more.

3) Draft 3 is what i would say is the same as Draft 1 accept for the space i left at the bottom of the page. If i were to choose this option i would have to cover it with lots of colour, whereas if i chose the 1st Draft i would easily be able to make the colour theme fit with the image and my ideas i have in my mind.


-- I will find this very useful as i will be able to look over this to create my final product.
-- I will take all of my feedback on board in order to make the best magazine cover as i can.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019


Tuesday 2nd April 2019
  • 1 What brief did you choose?
  • 2 What are the minimum requirements for your chosen production?
  • 3 What is the target audience as prescribed in the brief?
  • 4 What is your target audience for the product you're creating? (this needs to link to the audience profiling post).

1 I chose to create an educational magazine, as my brief.
2 i need to include a minimum of 5 of my own images, a front cover and a double page spread article.
3 The target audience in the brief is 10 -13 year olds 
4 My target audience mainly focuses on 13-14 year olds

IN this task i will explore different fonts images and colours to help improve my overall product and how it will look. I will focus on the connotations of other media products and use them to compare my ideas to make the best possible product.


Image result for football magazinesImage result for football magazinesImage result for football magazinesImage result for football magazines
Image result for fonts for football
Image result for FootballImage result for mourinhoImage result for FootballImage result for kick ups real life
Image result for fonts for football

Image result for football stadium Image result for messi or ronaldo

  • How did they helped you define content for your product?
  • What will be your overall colour scheme of your production?
  • What kind of images/shots would you use in your production?
  • What kind of fonts would you use in your production?
  • What kind of mise-en-scene would you use in your production?
  • What kind of intertextuality would you use in your production?
  • Which media theory(ies) are you likely to use in your production?

1) i now know how to present my magazine and what to include.
2)  i think my overall colour scheme will be quite bright, e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
3) I would have to use long to medium shots and focus on a player controlling the football and how they move. i could also include an image of a stadium.
4) I will use sort of chunky or big fonts, as that is what you can see on most football magazines.
5) The mise en scene i would use is a football a player and football boots
6) i would have some one who maybe is not a football star holding a football, perhaps a celebrity so people who know them pick up the magazine.
7) I think i would focus on the front cover looking nice and the colours all matching each other and use representation on a footballer.


I think that i will take from this how to lay out my front cover and how my colour scheme will match the front picture. i will make sure the font is not too big, but still catches your eye.
I also think that i should include images of people doing kick ups in the tutorial article to show off what you will be able to do at the end of the magazine. This mood board is good because i think it will help me with my course work (magazine).